

Praktiline kursus lapsevanematele
«Kuidas õpetada last rääkima inglise keeles»

Tund 3
Kevadine jalutuskäik

On möödunud veel kaks nädalat, Te õppisite lapsega magama minema ja pesema inglise keeles. Muuseas peab ka nüüd pesema ja käekesi "küürima" inglise keeles.

Nüüd me võime alustada kolmanda situatsiooniga - jalutuskäik. Jalutuskäike on meil neli: kevadine, suvine, sügisene ja talvine. Meie alustame kevadise jalutuskäiguga. Keele õppimise tegevust võib alustada juba riidesse panekul. Kui esialgu on raske, siis pange riidesse emakeeles ja jalutage inglise keeles.

Kui äkki avastate, et ei suuda meenutada vajalikku sõna - minge üle emakeelele. Esialgu poetate ingliskeelseid sõnu oma tavalise kõne sisse. Aga aegamööda peab võõrkeel hakkama domineerima ja teise õppenädala lõpuks kogu töökorralduse viite täielikult läbi inglise keeles.

Kuidas käituda kahe eelnenud tunniga? Määrake kindlaks "ingliskeelsed päevad", näiteks esmaspäev, kolmapäev ja reede. Nendel päevadel rääkige läbitud teemadel (pesemine ja magama minek) inglise keeles, ülejäänud päevadel emakeeles. Uus tund (3) viige läbi iga päev, kuni pole täielikult omandanud. Ärge püüdke suhelda kõikides õpitud situatsioonides iga päev ainult inglise keeles. Seda võib teha ainult sel juhul, kui laps suhtleb vabalt emakeeles kõikide pereliikmetega. Pidage meeles, et emakeeles suhtlemine on vajalik lapse arengule. Inglise keel, kui Te ei tea seda täielikult, ei rahulda kõiki lapse tunnetuslikke vajadusi.

"Kuulamist" ja "Lugemist" võib kasutada igapäevaselt, aga kui iga päev ei õnnestu, siis parem Teie "ingliskeelsetel päevadel". Ärge kartke pakkuda lapsele samu raamatuid korduvalt. Lastele meeldib kordamine ja nad on alati valmis kuulama seda, mis neile meeldib. Isegi siis, kui see tekst on neil juba peas.

Niisiis, kui olete läbi vaadanud tunni materjali ja tööd teinud sõnastikuga asutage koos lapsega "ingliskeelsele" jalutuskäigule. Kuidas tegutseda, seda te juba teate. Juhul, kui olete unustanud, siis vaadake tund 1 ja tund 2. Jalutuskäigult tagasi tulles võite materjali kinnistamiseks vaadata koos lapsega raamatut jalutuskäigust. Parem on seda mitte kohe teha vaid näiteks õhtul, kui käisite hommikul jalutamas.

Läbitud tunde korrake üle päeva, valides oma "ingliskeelsed päevad".


kevad - spring

kevadel - in spring

kevadaeg - springtime

Lähme jalutama! - Let's go for a walk!

Tunned, kuidas kevad lõhnab? - Do you smell the spring?

Õues on soe. - It is warm outdoors.

Soojeneb - It's getting warmer.

Jahe - It's cool / fresh / chilly / brisk.

Loodus ärkab. - Nature is waking up.

kerge soe kevadine tuuleke - a light warm spring breeze

Lumi on sulanud. - Snow has melted.

vihm (vihmake) - rain

Vihma sajab. - It is raining.

soe kevadine vihm - a warm spring rain

Tibutab. - It is drizzling.

kevadine müristamine - a spring thunder

kõuekärgatus - thunderclap

äike - (thunder)storm

müristamine - It is thundering.

Ära karda müristamist! - Don't be afraid of thunder!

Hoia ema käest kinni! - Hold mommy's hand!

Ega sul pole palav / külm? - Aren't you hot / cold?

Kui sul on palav, võid mütsi peast võtta. - If you are hot, you may take your hat off.

Ega sa oma jalgu märjaks ei teinud? - You didn't get your feet wet, did you?

Päevad lähevad pikemaks. - Days are getting longer.

Päike paistab. - The sun is shining.

(päikese) kiireke - sun rays

Kiirekesed kõditavad sinu põsekesi. - Sun rays are tickling your cheeks.

tedretähnid - freckles

tedretäpiline - freckled

Sulle tulid ninakesele tedretäpid. - Freckles have appeared on your nose.

Tedretäpid kinkis Sulle päikene. - The sun has given you the freckles.

Nii ta tervitab sind. - It's greeting you this way.

Linnukesed tulevad lõnamaalt tagasi. - Birds are returning from warm lands.

Linnukesed punuvad pesa. - Birds are making their nests.

Linnud hauduvad poegi. - Birds are incubating their babies.

linnupoeg, linnupojad - baby bird/baby birds

kuldnokk - starling

kuldnoka pesakast - bird house

hauduma, munast kooruma - to hatch (linnupojad); to come out (rohule/lilledele)

roheline - green

rohelus - greenery, green

haljendama, rohetama - to grow/turn green

värvus, õitsemine - blossom, bloom

õitsema - to flower/to bloom/to blossom

idanema -to grow through

Vaata, rohi on läinud roheliseks! - Look, the grass has turned green!

Puud õitsevad. - Trees are blooming.

rohi, muru - grass

rohelised lehekesed - green leaves

pungad - buds

Varsti pungad avanevad ja neist tulevad rohelised lehekesed. - The buds will soon open and turn into green leaves.

esimesed lillekesed - first flowers

lumikellukesed - snowdrops

Lumikellukesed piiluvad sulava lume alt välja. - The snowdrops are peeping out from the melting snow.

Sipelgad jooksevad mööda teekesi. - Ants are running along the paths.

loik, lomp - a puddle

muda, pori - mud

Ära mine pori sisse! - Don't get into mud!

Mine sellest lombist mööda! - Walk around this puddle!

Kus Sa jõudsid end mustaks teha? - Where did you manage to get dirty?

Vaata, lapsed ujutavad lombis paberlaevukesi! - Look, the children are sailing paper ships in a puddle!

Mine ja mängi teiste lastega! - Go and play with other children!

Kullake, tule jookse ema juurde! - Dear, run up to Mommy!


I see Rainbows
Tune: Frere Jacques
written by Jean Warren

I see rainbows,
I see rainbows,
Way up high
In the sky.
They are red and orange,
Yellow, green and blue.
Purple, too
What a view!

I see rainbows,
I see rainbows,
Way up high
In the sky.
They are made from sunshine,
Shinning thru the rain
What a view
In skies so blue!

(laul on kirjutatud ingliskeelsete maade hästi tuntud motiividel)

The Wind is Blowing
Tune: Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush
written by Jean Warren

Oh, the wind is blowing - all over town,
All over town, all over town.
Oh, the wind is blowing all over town,
Just like so.
(Laps puhub.)

Oh, the trees are bending - way down low,
Way down low, way down low.
Oh, the trees are bending - way down low,
Just like so.
(Laps kummardub.)

Oh, the kites are flying - watch them go,
Watch them go, high then low.
Oh, the kites are flying - watch them go
Just like so.
(Laps teeb nagu laseks ta lendu tuulelohe.)

(laul on kirjutatud ingliskeelsete maade hasti tuntud motiividel)

I see Rain
Tune: Eensy Weensy Spider
written by Jean Warren

Out on the sidewalk, I see rain.
Now it's hitting my window pane.
I wish that it would go away.
So I can go outside to play.
Pitter pat, look at that!
Drip, drip, drop, please rain stop!
Watching the rain is not much fun.
I want to see some good old sun!

(laul on kirjutatud ingliskeelsete maade hasti tuntud motiividel)

The Ants Go Marching
Tune: When John Comes Marching Home
written by Mrs. Jones

The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one.
Watching ants is lots of fun,
So let's all go marching
One by one by one.

The ants go marching two by two.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two.
Worker ants have lots to do,
So let's all go marching
Two by two by two.

The ants go marching three by three.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching three by three.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching three by three.
The ants all live in a colony,
So let's all go marching
Three by three by three.

The ants go marching four by four.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching four by four.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching four by four.
Now they're marching through the door,
So let's all go marching
Four by four by four.

The ants go marching five by five.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching five by five.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching five by five.
Hey, it's time to say good bye,
So let's all go marching
Five by five by five.

Rain on the green grass

Rain on the green grass;
Rain on the tree;
Rain on the housetop,
But not on me!

Itsy-Bitsy Spider
(Eensy-Weensy Spider)

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun that dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

Who Likes the Rain?
Clara Doty Bates

"I," said the duck, "I call it fun,
For I have my little red rubbers on;
They make a cunning three-toed track
In the soft, cool mud. Quack! Quack! Quack!

"I" cried the dandelion, "I.
My roots are thirsty, my buds are dry":
And she lifted a tousled yellow head
Out of her green and grassy bed.

"I hope 'twill pour! I hope 'twill pour!"
Purred the tree toad at his gray back door,
"For, with a broad leaf for a roof,
I'm perfectly weatherproof."

"I" Sang the brook: "I laugh at every drop,
And wish they never need to stop
Till a big, big river I grew to be,
And could find my way out to the sea."

"I" shouted Ted, "for I can run,
With my high-top boots and my rain coat on,
Through every puddle and runlet and pool
That I find on my way to school."

The Umbrella
Gertrude E. Heath

Who does not love a 'brella
When the rain is pouring down?
The very, very jolliest way
Of walking home from town!

I hear the little raindrops
Go Tinkle, tankle, tink!
"She wears a funny bonnet,"
Is what the raindrops think.

If all the little raindrops

If all the little raindrops
Were lemondrops and lollipops
Oh, if all the little raindrops
Were lemondrops and lollipops
Oh, what a rain that would be!
Standing outside, with my mouth open wide
Singing La la la la, la la la,
La la la, la la la
La la la la, la la la,
La la la, la.

What's the weather?

What's the weather?
What's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
Is it rainy?
Is it windy?
Are there clouds or is there sun?

There was a hole in the middle of the ground

The prettiest hole that you ever did see.
Well, the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And in this hole there was a root
The prettiest root that you ever did see
Well the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this root there was tree
The prettiest tree that you ever did see
Well the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this tree there was a branch...
The prettiest branch that you ever did see
Well the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this branch there was twig...
The prettiest twig that you ever did see
Well the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this twig there was a nest...
The prettiest nest that you ever did see
Well the nest on the twig
And the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And in this nest there was an egg...
The prettiest egg that you ever did see
Well the egg in the nest
And the nest on the twig
And the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And in this egg there was a bird...
The prettiest bird that you ever did see
Well the bird on the egg
And the egg in the nest
And the nest on the twig
And the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this bird there was a wing...
The prettiest wing that you ever did see
Well the wing on the bird
And the bird on the egg
And the egg in the nest
And the nest on the twig
And the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

And on this wing, there was a feather...
The prettiest feather that you ever did see
Well the feather on the wing
And the wing on the bird
And the bird on the egg
And the egg in the nest
And the nest on the twig
And the twig on the branch
And the branch on the tree
And the tree on the root
And the root in the hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grew all around and around
And the green grass grew all around.

It's not that easy being green
From "The Sesame Street Book and Record".
'Green' is (c)1970 Jonico Music, Inc.

It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold...
or something much more colorful like that.

It's not easy being green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ord'nary things.
And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're
not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water
or stars in the sky.

But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like.
And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain,
or tall like a tree.

When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why?
Wonder, I am green and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!
And I think it's what I want to be.

Edu Teile!

© Autor: Oksana Soroka, spetsiaalselt
lasteportaalile „“.
Sõnavara „Sõnastiku“ jaoks ja laulukesed valisid
Anna Sõrchina (Ukraina) ja Zoja Malsimova-Tsaigan (USA).
Tõlge eesti keelde: Maret Trampas.
Avaldatud 30. mai 2005 a.

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