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для родителей
«Как научить ребенка говорить по-английски»

Мы закончили публикацию основного практического курса «Как научить ребенка говорить по-английски». Теперь приступаем к дополнительному курсу, разработанному по вашим просьбам. Курс состоит из пяти уроков и предназначен для организации изобразительной деятельности детей на английском языке. Если вы работаете по принципу "один родитель - один язык"*, то организовывать занятия изодеятельностью по-английски можно в любое время. Если же в вашем случае имеет место принцип "одна ситуация - один язык"** , то заниматься следует в "английские дни".
* Принцип "Один родитель - один язык": один из родителей всегда или периодически говорит с ребенком на английском языке. У ребенка в сознании формируется связь "личность - язык".

** Принцип "Одна ситуация - один язык": с ребенком говорят по-английски оба родителя но в определенной ситуации или обстановке ("английская комната", например). В сознании ребенка язык связывается с конкретной ситуацией или обстановкой.

Дополнительный курс
Урок 1
Рисование по-английски

Сначала вам необходимо выбрать материал, с которого вы начнете - карандаши или краски. Заниматься рисованием по-английски можно начиная с одного года (есть такой опыт). Но для очень маленьких детей нужна всего одна краска (цвет вы будете менять) и кисточка, при этом все пространство вокруг лучше застелить газетами, а краску заранее развести до нужной консистенции и налить в небольшую посудинку. Годовалого малыша можно учить просто пользоваться кисточкой, обмакивать ее в краску и оставлять следы на бумаге.

Сначала определите цель занятия (конечно, главная цель - обучение английскому языку), а потом, исходя из выбранной цели, выделите для себя из Словарика необходимые лексические единицы.

Для работы со старшими детьми, которые уже имеют опыт "рисования на родном языке", можно использовать игровые моменты - приглашать "гостей", которые будут с вами вместе рисовать. Хорошо, если это будет новая игрушка, прежде малышу не знакомая; используя ее каждое занятие, вы будете иметь хороший способ "переключать" ребенка на иноязычную деятельность.

Не забывайте о том, что большое значение имеет желание ребенка заниматься, постарайтесь избегать отрицательных эмоций.

Удачи! Творите вместе с малышом!


Чем рисуем:

карандаш(и) - pencil(s)
фломастер(ы) - marker(s)
восковые мелки - crayons
мел - chalk
краска - paint
кисточка - paintbrush
намочить кисточку - to wet the brush
акварель - watercolor
масло (масляные краски) - oil

Также могут понадобиться:

скатерть - tablecloth
газета - newspaper
фартук/передник - apron
стаканчик с водой - glass of water
тряпочка - rag

На чём рисуем:

бумага - paper
лист бумаги - sheet of paper
альбом, тетрадь - notepad, notebook
доска (классная) - blackboard
асфальт - asphalt
стена - wall

Что/как рисуем:

эскиз, набросок - sketch
делать набросок - to sketch
чирикать - to scribble
рисовать - to draw
рисунок - drawing
картинка - picture
картина (нарисованная красками) - painting
рисовать красками - to paint
раскрашивать - to color
рисовать пальчиками - to finger paint
линия - line
рисовать линию - to draw a line
прямая линия - straight line
извилистая линия - curvy line
толстая линия - thick line
тонкая линия - thin like
тоненькая линия - fine line
точка - dot
соединять точки - to connect the dots
закрашивать - to fill

Цвета (colors):

красный - red
розовый - pink
оранжевый - orange
жёлтый - yellow
зелёный - green
синий - blue
голубой - light blue
васильковый - periwinkle blue
фиолетовый - purple
белый - white
чёрный - black
коричневый - brown


Давай порисуем вместе! - Let's draw together!

Тебе помочь? - Do you need help?

Сначала нужно намочить кисточку. - You must wet the brush first.

Окуни её в воду. - Dip it in the water.

Не оставляй кисточку в воде! - Don't leave your paintbrush in the water!

Стряхни лишнюю воду с кисточки!- Shake excess water from the brush!

Ты можешь рисовать пальчиками. - You can finger paint.

Что ты рисуешь? - What are you drawing?

Сначала сделаем набросок, а затем раскрасим его. - We'll make a sketch first and then we'll color it.

Ты можешь раскрасить картинку сам(а). - You can color the picture yourself.

Вот, возьми мой карандаш. - Here, take my pencil.

Если смешать красный и жёлтый, получится оранжевый. - If you mix red and yellow, you'll get orange.

(на изучение/закрепление в памяти цветов)

Color Chant
Dr. Jean Feldman

If you're wearing RED
Put your hands on your head.

If you're wearing BLACK,
Then touch your back.

If you're wearing BROWN,
Touch the ground.

If you're wearing GREEN,
Wash your hands real clean.

If you're wearing BLUE,
Put your hands on your shoe.

If you're wearing PINK,
Then think and think.

If you're wearing GRAY,
Have a nice day.

If ORANGE is what you wear,
Then touch your hair.

If you're wearing WHITE,
Squeeze your hands real tight.

If you're wearing PURPLE,
Say, "Murple gurple."

If you're wearing YELLOW,
Wave to your fellow.

You're all looking mighty fine,
And that's the end of the color rhyme!

Color Poems
Mary Flynn


Red is an apple
Red is a rose
Red is the color of
My frozen, icy nose!


Blue is the ocean
Blue are my eyes
Blue is the sky where
The lonely eagle flies.


Orange is a carrot
And the orange I eat
Orange are these bright new socks
I wear upon my feet!


Green is the grass
Under both my feet
And green is the broccoli
My mother makes me eat!


Yellow is a lemon
Yellow is a star
Yellow is the sun
In the sky so far.


Brown is the mud
Brown is the bear
Brown is the color
Of my brother's hair.


Purple is a grape
Purple is a plum
Purple is my favorite juice
Shall I get you some?


Black is the night
And a witch's cat
Black is licorice
And that witch's cat!

More Green

Green are the branches
Budding in the sun
And green are many vegetables
Can you tell us some?

Colors in My World
Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

There are colors all around,
colors like rainbow
Lots of colors in my world.
There are colors all around,
colors like rainbow
Lots of colors in my world.

There is blue for the sky,
Where the birds fly way up high.
There is blue for the sky,
Lots of colors in my world.

There is yellow for the sun,
When it shines we play and have fun.
There is yellow for the sun,
Lots of colors in my world.

There is green for the grass,
Where we really shouldn't throw trash.
There is green for the grass,
Lots of colors in my world.

There is red for the flowers,
They grow tall when the rain showers.
There is red for the flowers,
Lots of colors in my world.

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If You're Wearing Colors
The Learning Station

If you're wearing red
stand up and shake your head.
If you're wearing green
stand up and bow to the queen.

Stand up no matter
what color's on you.
Now, sit down and clap
till we sing what to do.

If you're wearing yellow
stand up and shake like
If you're wearing black
stand up and pat your back.


If you're wearing blue
stand up and touch your shoe.
If you're wearing brown
stand up and spin around.


If you're wearing gray
stand up and holler "Hey!"
If you're wearing white
stand up and turn to the right.


If you're wearing tan
stand up and wave your hands.
If you're wearing purple
stand up and turn in a circle.


If you're wearing pink
stand up and wink, wink, wink.
If you're wearing peach
stand up and reach, reach, reach.


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Please Stand Up
Mr. Al

If you're wearing red stand up.
If you're wearing red stand up.
If you're wearing red,
clap your hands and then sit down.

If you're wearing blue stand up.
If you're wearing blue stand up.
If you're wearing blue,
turn around and around and then sit down.

If you're wearing green stand up.
If you're wearing green stand up.
If you're wearing green,
shake, shake, shake and then sit down.

If you're wearing yellow stand up.
If you're wearing yellow stand up.
If you're wearing yellow,
jump, jump, jump and then sit down.

If you're wearing orange stand up.
If you're wearing black stand up.
If you're wearing orange or black,
touch your toes and then sit down.

If you're wearing brown stand up.
If you're wearing white stand up.
If you're wearing brown or white,
shake your bottom and then sit down.

If you're wearing purple stand up.
If you're wearing purple stand up.
If you're wearing purple,
hop on one foot and then sit down.

If you're wearing pink stand up.
If you're wearing pink stand up.
If you're wearing pink,
wiggle your knees and then sit down.

Everybody won't you please sit down!

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Color Farm
Dr. Jean Feldman

There was a farmer had a cat
And Black was her name-o
And Black was her name-o

There was a farmer had a dog
And Brown was her name-o
And Brown was her name-o

There was a farmer had a cow
And Purple was her name-o
And Purple was her name-o

There was a farmer had a horse
And Green was her name-o
And Green was her name-o

There was a farmer had a duck
And Orange was her name-o
And Orange was her name-o

There was a farmer had a bird
And Blue was her name-o
And Blue was her name-o

There was a farmer had a chick
And Yellow was her name-o
And Yellow was her name-o

There was a farmer had a pig
And Red was her name-o
And Red was her name-o

Rainbow Soup
Sara Jordan Publishing

Rainbow soup has fruit of every colour.
Rainbow soup is yummy too.
Rainbow soup tastes better than the others.
Rainbow soup is good for you.

My friend down the street is a chef.
Her cooking©os pretty good.
I asked her if we could make lunch.
She told me, "Sure we could."
She said, "The first thing that you'll learn,
Is how to make some soup.
This recipe is...top secret
But I'll share it with you."


She said, "First you'll need red fruit
This apple here will do.
Then toss in all of these blueberries
They will add some blue."

"And how about this banana?
Cause yellow's pretty too.
And for some green - we'll use a lime,
Hold on - we're not yet through."


And if you like to add some orange
We'll use this tangerine.
I'll bet this is the best fruit soup That you have ever seen.

And for some purple -
we'll use grapes,
And watermelon's pink
I think this is the best fruit soup Please tell me what you think!


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Оксана Сорока,
методист центра дошкольного образования "Развитие",
преподаватель кафедры немецкого языка ХГУ,
специально для детского портала "Солнышко".

* Лексику для «Словарика» и песенки подобрала Зоя Максимова-Цайган (США).

Опубликовано 12 октября 2004 г.

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